Sunday 26 February 2012

Charlie Boy's @ Kampar

Dear food lovers,
this is another restaurant recommended by me..
Does this look tasty to you?
*Enzyme-rushed inside my mouth already*

Soy-sauced chicken rice

You wouldn't believe how good it smells.
Especially you're in an empty stomach.
All that you can do is to open your mouth wide, move your left right hands then chew as fast as you can.
You just can't stop saying : Mmmmmmm

Next recommended dish

--- 黑肉饭
Pork served with black soy sauce

Have you ever heard about Penang food?
If you ever tasted home-made dishes by Penang Lang,
You'd probably know how the feel feels like.
Penang hawker foods are tasty, yes indeed.
Penang Home-made dishes are FANTASTIC.
Cause the chef of Charlie Boy is my Auntie. The Boss is my cousin.
Awesome right?
They are just as food-fastidious as me.
So what they cooked, probably fits your tongue :D

Not to mention about the main dishes
they have a lot of desserts, too.
All home-made, as mentioned.

Honeydew with Sago

They are located just right in front "fecca" internet cafe.
It was previously managed by Restaurant Nam Chau.
Corner part of the one way lane.

*DearandIvanareinthepicture, eatinglikeahungryghost* haha
Told you it tastes like heaven ! :D

The Boss, my cousin brother 

Business hour: 10am-10pm
Extra Service: Birthday Party Catering & Decorating Services

Pnom pnom pnom,
Food Craver.

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